Public Projects
On this page you can find 5 different open source apps and libraries I have built or contributed to over the course of my career starting with udemy/codecademy projects.
Featured Projects
Mizan Restaurant Management
Full-stack restaurant management system with QR code menu integration
Personal Portfolio
Modern developer portfolio built with Next.js
All Projects
2024.10 - Present
Mizan Restaurant Management
Full-stack restaurant management system with QR code menu integration
Comprehensive restaurant management platform with QR code menu system and real-time order tracking
Built with React, TypeScript, Material-UI, Redux Toolkit, Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL, and AWS infrastructure
2023.03 - Present
House Bazaar
Platform for selling/renting houses
It has authentification, CRUD operation for house rent/sell postings.
For front-end part CSS3, ReactJS (Context API), react-router, leaflet (for maps), swiper, toastify. For back-end part firebase, firestore database, storage, authentification, geocoding API.
2023.01 - Present
2022.12 - Present
Official web page of the 'Doston Law' law firm
It is a Next.js full stack web app for a law firm in Uzbekistan. For the protection of APIs, github source code is private for this website
For this project Next.JS, Next SEO, Kbar, React Rough Notation, framer-motion and other small tools have been used.